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    PC Probleme
        W2k3-Server: Patch KB840987 hängt
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Advanced Member
Ich probiere jetzt zum 5. Mal (!) diesen Security-Patch mit der Nummer KB840987 zu installieren. Der hängt aber jedesmal beim File NTOSKRNL.exe. 3 x habe ich die Kiste "abgewürgt", 3 x war anschliessend dieses File futsch und der Server bootet nicht mehr...

Wenigstens weiss ich jetzt mittlerweilen, wie man das wieder hinkriegt.

ABER: Hat jemand ähnliche Probleme mit diesem Patch? hat jemand eine Ahnung, warum dieser bei der Datei NTOSKRNL.exe hängt?

Nachtrag: M$ schreibt was dazu:

Information for users of Microsoft Windows NT 4.0-based computers
If you install software updates to a Windows NT 4.0-based computer that has a system partition that is larger than 7.8 gigabytes (GB), your computer may not restart correctly. For additional information about general issues that may occur when you install software updates that replace the Ntoskrnl.exe file on a Windows NT 4.0-based computer, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
224526 Windows NT 4.0 supports maximum of 7.8-GB system partition
317050 "Disk I/O Error: Status = 00000001" error message occurs when you start the computer
Note You may experience this issue even if you have successfully installed prior Ntoskrnl.exe file updates on computers with system partitions that are larger than 7.8 GB. To make sure that the files are located below the 7.8 GB boundary, some customers have successfully used third-party disk diagnostic utilities after installing the update but before restarting the computer. Additionally, some customers who have computers that can start from either Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP have used a feature of these computers to work around this issue. This feature lets the computer use the NTLDR and NTDETECT files from the version of Microsoft Windows that supports a larger system boot partition.

Quelle: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;840987

Leider scheint nicht nur NT4 davon betroffen zu sein!

(Geändert von PatPowerMan um 9:01 pm am Okt. 13, 2004)

Beiträge gesamt: 1088 | Mitglied seit: Juni 2001 | Erstellt: 8:23 pm am Okt. 13, 2004 | IP

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